Oh no! It's my second post and already I have to begin with an apology: I'm sorry Libbie! You made this blog for me and I haven't posted anything in THREE DAYS which is basically like saying I HATE YOU and DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS ANYMORE in the blogging "sphere"
Another kind of sphere But nothing could be further from the truth! It's just that I'm trying to decide what to make for dinner tomorrow which is taking even longer than
usual since I lost my usual predawn menu planning to sleep! I'm
so bad, I know! So until I can decide between flying saucers or fancy plum sauce brisket with stuffed fingerling potatoes and whether or not I should make banana semmifreddo with puff pastry and cramelized bananas for a dessert or peach pie with a gingersnap crust DO YOU SEE WHY I NEED MORE TIME? The absolute WORST PART is that I don't want to think about food since I'm horribly nauseated from watching a Thai nurse rip out her own jaw and then choke on a preserved demon baby! I probably don't need to tell you this but don't recommend this movie:
Make the flying saucers with the banana dessert, which your family will like for sure. Then they'll be more open to the idea of you cooking again next week, and you can make the brisket and peach pie! And you can always cook for me if you need an excuse to make something and don't want to risk making yourself sick by eating the whole thing.