Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hi There

This is Libbie, Rachel's BEST friend, and I'm taking advantage of the fact that Rachel trusts me enough to give me the password to her blogger account so I could make her a blog with a picture of a whipped cream-covered Amy Sedaris in the background.

Sometimes I feel like a bad friend because I encourage her to do things like drop out of school and live in Europe for the rest of her life, but that's only because I know she'll turn out just fine whether or not she has a degree and can get a job. It's also probably because I'm going to find her someone to marry so she'll never have to think of things like "fiscal responsibility" or "the future." Anyway, I'm using this post to make up for all the times I've tried to live vicariously through her at the expense of her future livelihood.

Rachel is sort of hard on herself sometimes, but I want her to know that she is better than anyone else I know, even when she burns things. And I have a theory that the reason she even burned the brisket in the first place on Sunday was because her family wouldn't let her make it the way she wanted to -- with an ethereal plum sauce glaze -- and her subconscious burned the brisket on purpose. So in reality, Rachel meant to burn dinner, because no one makes Rachel do things she doesn't want to do without there being consequences. This sort of willpower is just one of the things that is so great about Rachel, along with her ability to pull off wearing tights under her shorts.


  1. Now it’s my turn to write about you in third person:
    Oh Libbie: She’s like a freakin’ Giada but SMART too. Smart, witty, amazing cook, killer dress sense AND decisive, rational, and emotionally stable despite being a woman. And what a woman she is! Can you imagine her? No, you can’t. Not until you meet her. The only human equivalent to Libbie is Steve Nash, but as we all know, He’s not really a person. So it’s silly to compare myself to her. It’s like comparing your boyfriend to Noel Fielding: a losing proposition. I need to remember that even though I’m not as great as Libbie, I’m still superior to pretty much EVERYONE else.

    Thanks for reminding me Libbie. You always know what I need. Especially when I don't.

  2. Wow...who needs Housewives of New York when I have this blog to read! Priceless, girls. Just priceless.
