Sunday, October 24, 2010

OMG guys! guest blogger

Hey Guys! This is Rachel’s better half writing - her sister Molly! I’ve noticed that Rachel hasn’t updated her blog in a long time. I think she needs a bit of inspiration and since I consider myself inspirational, I signed myself up for the job! No, I wasn’t asked to “guest” blog, some people would probably consider this “block hacking” but I find that term to be crass. Anyway, since Rachel and I go way back, I thought I would tell you some Rachel facts, and clear up any Rachel myths…. Actually let’s make this a game. I’ll give you Rachel information and you decide if it’s a Rachel fact or Rachel Myth. I’ll post the answer below the Rachel information.

1. In second grade Rachel’s wardrobe consisted of about three shirts. She didn’t change to a new shirt every day, like most children; rather she would wear each shirt everyday for weeks at a time. I recall one instance where she spilled paint down the front of her outfit. For most kids this meant it was time for a change. Not Rachel! She just turned her shirt backwards, problem solved! She was always a creative child.

A. Rachel Fact! Obviously my mom didn’t like to dress us.

2. Rachel once wrote “Them chickens don’t lay eggs there” as an answer On her 5th grade math homework.

A. Rachel Fact! If you are thinking it was a word problem about chickens then you are wrong.

3. When Rachel was five she had to go to the bathroom so bad that she plopped right down on the toilet while I was still in the bathroom. Naturally her tiny little bottom was too small for the seat and she got stuck! Carolyn and I were laughing to hard to help her so my mom had to pull her out.

A. Rachel myth! She was at least nine when this happened.

4. Rachel’s hair always looks fabulous!

A. Rachel myth AND Rachel Fact. You may be surprised by the answer to this. I don’t blame you; normally Rachel’s hair is Rockin! But I do recall a time a few years ago when we were vacationing in Californian. We were staying by the beach which meant there was a lot of moisture in the air. This caused Rachel’s hair to poof and frizz. I will always remember her walking into the room with Art Garfunkel hair! It was awesome. Rachel didn’t think so.

5. Rachel likes to dance

A. Rachel fact! I don’t normally see her dancing, but I can tell she is doing it when I hear music blaring from the den. She Dances like Chris Martin, and by that I mean poorly, but she puts it all out there.

Well that’s all the time I’ve got! I know there are tons more Rachel facts out there, so please share any you have! Also, if there is a Rachel mystery you would like cleared up please leave a comment and I’ll see if I can find the Rachel truth.